Bumla Pass, Arunachal Pradesh: Journey to the Roof of India

Located at an altitude of over 15,000 feet, Bumla Pass in Arunachal Pradesh is the gateway to the majestic landscapes of the Eastern Himalayas. This towering mountain pass is not only a strategic border point between India and China but also a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers. In this blog, we take a virtual trip to Bumla Pass, exploring its stunning views, historical significance and the thrill of reaching the roof of India. 


Majestic Himalayan panorama: 
Bumla Pass offers magnificent panoramic views of the snowy peaks and rugged mountains of the Eastern Himalayas. As you climb higher, the landscape turns into a majestic wonderland. From Kura, visitors can admire towering peaks, including the magnificent Gorichen and Kangto mountains. Awe-inspiring landscapes that include vast areas of untouched wilderness create a sense of calm and awe.  

Historical and Cultural Significance: 
Bumla Pass has enormous historical and cultural significance. It was once  part of the historic Stilwell Road, an important supply route connecting India to China during World War II. The pass witnessed important events and played a crucial role in the history of the region. Today, it is a symbol of the lasting ties between the two countries. Visitors can explore the remains of wartime structures and gain insight into the history of the area. 

The Indo-China Border Experience: 
Bumla Pass serves as a border point between India and China and a visit to this remote border offers a unique experience. It is necessary to obtain the necessary permits for the entry ticket, as it requires compliance with specific regulations. A trip to Bumla Pass offers a glimpse of the complex landscape and  border security measures. Standing at the border, you can see the insignia and flag of both countries, which inspire respect and appreciation for the geopolitical complexity of the region.  

Adventure and Trekking: 
Bumla Pass offers opportunities for exciting adventures and trekking experiences. The high location combined with the rugged terrain attracts adventure enthusiasts. Trekking trails such as the popular Bumla-Tawang trails offer an exciting journey through picturesque landscapes and remote villages. The tour offers encounters with unique flora and fauna and the opportunity to interact with local communities and immerse oneself in their traditions. 

Natural wonders: 
Bumla Pass is surrounded by magnificent natural wonders that add to its charm. The nearby Sangestar Tso Lake, also known as  Pankang Teng Tso, is a pristine glacial lake that mesmerizes visitors with its turquoise waters and natural beauty. The highland ecosystem supports a large number of wildlife, including rare and endangered species such as the snow leopard and musk deer. Exploring the area offers a glimpse of its rich biodiversity and the stunning landscapes that inhabit it.